Your Journey Starts Here
Our Admissions Process is broken down into two stages - admissions & enrollment. During the first stage, we are working together to make sure we are a fit for each other. Once an acceptance letter is issued, the second stage is initiated.
STAGE 1 - Admission
Step 3: Submit Documentation
Submit the following documents to the Admissions Office:
A completed Admissions Application (Openings available for KG - 12th grade)
You will be invoiced a non-refundable fee of $250 for K-12 grade Domestic Applicants; $750 for 9-12 grade International Applicants as part of the application process and $100 for Early Childhood Applicants. The fee is Per family, up to 3 children per family. (You will be invoiced for the fee once your application is submitted online)
Records Released from current school
Step 4: Testing
A testing date will be set up for each child.
An essay will be included for students in grades 6 - 12.
An interview will be set up for the student and/or parents with the Administrator. This generally takes place at the same time as the testing appointment.
STAGE 2 - Enrollment
Step 1: Complete Enrollment Packet
Now that you are notified of your admission to Christian Academy, you will receive an email notification inviting you to create an account in our FACTS Family Portal where you will be able to complete the enrollment packet for your student in order to supply important final information and documents.
Step 2: Set Up Finances
Once the enrollment packet is submitted, you will be contacted by our Finance office to finalize your tuition agreement and go over any other necessary financial paperwork and questions.
Step 3: Receive New Family Communication
Watch your email for other important communications for new families and important dates. Familiarize yourself with the school website and the resources available under CA Family.
February 15: Current Families Admissions Open!
February 28: Deadline for Reenrollment fee waiver.
June 15: Notices of Enrollment Status Issued.
June 15: Deadline for Financial Assistance Applications .
New Families Admissions Open!
June & July: Rolling admissions as seats are available.
June & July: Financial Assistance Applications New Families.
Notable Policies
After all of the above steps have been completed, a decision will be made by the Admissions Committee and notification will be sent through the mail. The decision will be made on past academic achievement, behavior record and an assessment of the potential for success in the Christian Academy's academic program. Due to the gathering of necessary information, the admission process may take up to 2 weeks to complete. This time frame may be greatly increased during the month of July as many schools are closed for summer breaks and the month of August due to high volume of transferring students in/out of both public and private schools. (Note: if there are any financial commitments with the previous school that we are requesting records from, please know records are typically held by the sending school until all financial obligations have been met.) As a reminder, regardless of the outcome of the admissions decision, the admissions fee is non-refundable.
The Christian Academy of Greater St. Louis admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of the school.
Applicants for admission to The Christian Academy of Greater St. Louis should be of good moral character, be eligible to re-enroll in the school last attended and be free from learning and behavioral problems. Report cards and test scores must indicate the student's ability to meet the high standards expected of students at Christian Academy.