Our Supporters

Some have made a decision to contribute to the impact made in the lives of other children through the support of our mission. Through the years, so much has been given to ensure students continue to be guided in their academic, social and spiritual journey.

Take a moment to look through those honored and memorialized below. And if you would like to join this select group of supporters follow the links in this page to different opportunities to contribute. 


These donations are made in honor of special individuals, couples, families, or occasions. 


Larry Stewart's 80th Birthday

Wanda & Jerry Judd

Ermma Tommya Bishop

Mark Willman

Thedres and Evelyn Hogan

Renay Bryant

Vicki Judd's 60th Birthday

Wanda & Jerry Judd

Bill Lloyd

John & Cheryl Young

Linda & OD Murrell

Cary & Randalene Paul

Art & Mildred Matthews

Al & Connie Kehn

Tammie & Doug Lewis

Ken & Lorna Fester

Stephen & Sandee Holloway

Gayla & David McComber

Alex & Holly Melchers

Danny & Lucille Younger

Vickie & Glenn Lipham

Leonard & Carla Payne

Mike & Donna Root

Mike and Donna Root's 

50th Anniversary

David & Vicki Judd

Gayla McComber's Birthday

David & Vicki Judd

Edna & Leroy Walters 

70th Wedding Anniversary

Barney & Cathy Johnson

Lee & Lillian Haywood's 

50th Anniversary

Steve & Sandee Holloway

Leonard & Carla Payne

Vicki Judd's Retirement

Steve & Sandee Holloway

Wanda & Jerry Judd

Alex & Holly Melchers

Linda & OD Murrell

Mike & Donna Root

John & Cheryl Young

Lucille & Danny Younger

Rod Dollin's Birthday

Susan & Gene DeJarnette

Dan & Geri Turner

Orlando Ferguson

David & Vicki Judd

Larry Stewart's Birthday

Wanda & Jerry Judd

Margaret Ward


These donations are made in memory of loved ones that have passed away.


Evelyn Rawson

Gayla & David McComber

Leah Gentry Burks

Joy & Bob McGuire

Leamon Counts

Overland Church of Christ

Art Tucker

Overland Church of Christ

Marilyn Hunt

Christian Academy Chorus 23-24

Jeanette Blinco

Lauren Bravos

Pamela & Chris Cannon

Darlene Cooper

Susan & Gene DeJarnette

Susan & Rod Dollins

Brenda & Ernest Durlas

Brenda & Ron Estes

Denise & Welton Green

Randy Green

Jason Harvill

Tara Holloway

Harriette Hunt

Beverly & Kevin Isenberg

Barbara & James Jones

Vicki & David Judd

Renita & Byron Lewis

Tammie & Doug Lewis

Gayla & David McComber

Beth & Mike McCormick

Joy & Bob McGuire

Michelle McWilliams

Peggy & Philip Merrell

Linda & O'D Murrell

Rita Pringle

Hunter Rasbach

Lisa Scholtes

Julie, Ainsley & Ella Thene

Dorothy Turner

Shirley White

Gary Turner

Lillian & Lee Haywood

Tammie & Doug Lewis

Gayla & David McComber

Linda & O'Dellas Murrell

Carla & Leonard Payne

Lois Beauchamp

Joan Estep

Max Hatley

Lillian & Lee Haywood

Georgia Rose Chien

Mom & Dad

Aunt Rachel, Uncle Patrick, & Lily

Nana & Nnts

Gayla & David McComber

Flo Jones Rowland

Patrick & Emily Britt

Joyce Goldstein

David & Gayla McComber

Gordon and Peggy (Poteete) Hayes

 Al Poteete 

Russ and Kathy (Poteete) Holden 

Bill & Gale Poteete 

Jeff and Dana (Poteete) Nelson 

Jimmy and Debbie (Poteete) Nelson

Christopher Westcott

James & Janet Williams

Mary Hodges

Overland Church of Christ

Nick Kampouris

Overland Church of Christ

Ann Knight

Overland Church of Christ

Ray Hicks

Robert & Joy McGuire

Lynda and Lee Portinga

Robert & Joy McGuire

Stephanie (Shaw) Hanneken

Garry & Barbara Hoyt

Joy Blackburn

Ed & Joyce Bialon

Anita Adams

Overland Church of Christ

Deborah Hommert

Robert & Joy McGuire

Jim Lourwood

David & Glenda Davidson

Vaughn Family

Linda Meyer

Ashland Christian Church

John Baker

Keith & Jenna Beachle & Children

Timothy & Kimberly Carpenter

Rodney & Susan Dollins

Beverly & Kevin Isenberg

David & Vicki Judd

Wanda & Jerry Judd

Coral Kimble

David & Gayla McComber

Bob & Joy McGuire

Joan Naugle

Leonard & Carla Payne

Pat Radel

Jackie & Carol Roland

Matt & Sara Snell & Children

Ed & Nancy Tritschler

Shirley Underwood

Ronnie Hunt

Susan DeJarnette

Carlton & Marilyn Hunt

Katrina Mayfield

Carlton & Marilyn Hunt

Richard Vaughn

Carlton & Marilyn Hunt

Bob & Joy McGuire

Louise Payne

Darlene Cooper and Randy Green

Ron & Brenda Estes

Betty and James Howell

Carlton & Marilyn Hunt

David & Vicki Judd

Doug & Tammie Lewis

David & Gayla McComber

Bob & Joy McGuire

West End Church of Christ

Mose L Clements

David & Vicki Judd

James "Les" Burkett

Kathy Wisor

Cassie Bick

Beverly & Kevin Isenberg

Darren Wisor

Dave and Linda Clark

Susan DeJarnette

Rod and Susan Dollins

Brenda and Ron Estes

Janice Fairless

Neda Foster

Earlene Gibson

Sarah Goosen

Michelle Hargreaves

Barbara Heinzen

Aaron and Holly Hopkins

Kevin and Beverly Isenberg

Barbara and James Jones

David and Vicki Judd

Jerry and Wanda Judd

Doug and Tammie Lewis

David and Gayla McComber

Mike and Beth McCormick

Leonard and Carla Payne

Carl and Nadette Peterson

Heather Petrenko and Cindy Finch

Larry & Caroline Stephens

Harold and Carolyn Vaughn

Julie Wall

Nick Walls

Shirley White

Overland Church of Christ

Mary Ellis Thompson

Jane Browning

Brenda Estes

Keith and Kim Jones

Wayne Jones

Debra Medling

Charlene Saltzgiver

Glenda Sullivan

Jerry Hager

Kathy & Darren Wisor

Gary Eisen

Joy & Bob McGuire

Laura Smith

Joy & Bob McGuire

Jim Clem

Joy & Bob McGuire

Glen Young

Kathy & Darren Wisor

Marvin Howell

Carlton & Marilyn Hunt

Doris Ward

Don & Brenda Bahr

Kelli & Erron Carlin

David & Glenda Davidson

Janice & Joe Fairless

The Hargreaves Family

Jeff & Barb Holland

Steve & Sandee Holloway

The House Springs church of Christ Ladies Class

Marilyn & Carlton Hunt

Jim & Barb Jones

Tammie & Doug Lewis

Glenn & Vickie Lipham

Gayla & David McComber

Traci & Ryan Mobbs

Brandi & Wes Moster

Tal & Kim Sims

Larry & Carolyn Stephens

Tom & Debbie Tarpley

Shirley White

Kathern Wheetley

John Calvin Recor

Vicki & David Judd

Sylvia Cooper

West End Church of Christ

Ron and Brenda Estes

Rod and Susan Dollins

Carla and Leonard Payne

Eric & Christina Lester

Don & Zona Durst

Dan & Rosalia Rankin

Ed & Lenora Zahler

Bob & Joy McGuire

Kevin & Beverly Isenberg

Brant Patrich

Beverly & Kevin Isenberg

Joy & Bob McGuire

Kim Powell

Beverly & Kevin Isenberg

Cliff Burnett

Beverly & Kevin Isenberg

Kevin Amos

Joy & Bob McGuire

Lyndell Spurlock

Carla & Leonard Payne

Albert McDaniel

Christina & Eric Lester

Shirley White

Dorothy Browning

Brenda & Ron Estes

West End Church of Christ

Willard Cooper

Don & Zona Durst

Ron & Brenda Estes

Carolyn Henley

Steve and Sandee Holloway

Bob & Joy McGuire 

Leonard & Carla Payne

Dan & Rosalia Rankin

West End Church of Christ

Jean Holt

Linda Meyer

Blair Isenberg

Arnold Church of Christ

Joy & Robert McGuire

Dixie & Paul Lantz

Eleanor Howell

Carla & Leonard Payne

Kathy & Darren Wisor

Bonnie Burkett

Kathy & Darren Wisor

Gayle Walter

Kathy & Darren Wisor

If you would like to make a donation to CA in honor or or memory of someone please contact the CA office at 314-429-7070 and someone will assist you with that donation.

Darren Wisor was a beloved member of the Christian Academy family who died suddenly in 2022. Darren was many things at CA. He was a math teacher, he was a coach, he was a chapel speaker, he was a father figure, and, most importantly, Darren was a servant of Christ. Words fail to describe the many ways Darren impacted the students and faculty at CA. He changed the lives of so many students as he poured out his heart and used his God-given gift to reach all those he came into contact with. His loss is enormous, and we miss him so much.

The Board of Directors has chosen to establish the Darren Wisor Memorial Endowment Fund, which will create scholarships for students to attend Christian Academy and will partially fund the Bible teacher’s salary at CA. Since this is an endowment, all money donated to the Darren Wisor Memorial Fund will be placed in low-risk investment portfolio, and only the investment income of the

original principal will be used each year. What this means is that this fund is designed to last for as long as the Christian Academy exists. We pray you will choose to honor the school with a donation gift in order for Darren's legacy to continue to prepare each student to live a life of value and meaning to God, society and self.

Darren Wisor Memorial Endowment Donors 2024 (click the down arrow to expand)

Nester Family

Shain Family

Chien Family

Erin Frazier

Tara Holloway

Beverly & Kevin Isenberg

Vicki & David Judd

Tommy & Luann Nichols

Greg Smith

Darren Wisor Memorial Endowment Donors 2023 (click the down arrow to expand)

Kyle O'Keefe

Vanessa Scruggs

Beth & Mike McCormick

Ashley & Eric Howell

Joe & Sandy Belcher

Pamela Bradley

Alex & Joan Jeal

DeSoto Church of Christ

Erin Frazier 

Jonathan Hines

Max Hatley

Terry & Mary Mabrey

O'Fallon Church of Christ

Craig & Stephanie Heinzen

Beverly & Kevin Isenberg

Tonia & Greg Howell

Ken & Tanna Roberts

Joyce & Matt DeRouen

John & Cheryl Young

Rick and Janae McLane

Linda & OD Murrell

Cary & Randalene Paul

Art & Mildred Matthews

Al & Connie Kehn

Wanda & Jerry Judd

Tammie & Doug Lewis

Ken & Lorna Fester

Stephen & Sandee Holloway

Gayla & David McComber

Alex & Holly Melchers

Danny & Lucille Younger

Vickie & Glenn Lipham

Leonard & Carla Payne

Mike & Donna Root

David & Lisa Moon

Larry Stewart

Bonnie Lanterman

Stephen Stotler

David & Vicki Judd

Linda & OD Murrell

Mildred & Art Matthews

Why Become a Donor?

Many people donate to CA in memory or in honor of someone special.  

We honor and acknowledge those donations on this page. 

If you would like to make a donation to CA in honor or memory of someone please click the button below to donate or contact the CA office at 314-429-7070 and someone will assist you with that donation.