Spiritual Life

Fostering a healthy relationship with God is a very important part of daily life at CA.  Our classes/courses are taught from a Godly world view.  God is welcome in every aspect of our academic learning.  We believe you should not separate your life into compartments separate and apart from God's plan. 

Daily we have chapel on all grade levels, and every student takes a Bible class each semester.  The elementary students have a VBS Day each spring where they have an entire day dedicated to Bible lessons and activities.  In grades 6-12, each semester, the students take a day off from classes and focus entirely on God - we call these Spiritual Emphasis Days.  Even other special events, such as our Senior Retreat, are focused on how we can better live like Christ every day.  Our students also participate in several mission and service projects each year.  Visit our Missions and Service web page to find out current projects.

We'd like to welcome you to our campus to participate with us in Chapel.  Chapel meets every day from 9:40-10:05 a.m. (unless we have a special event planned; check our calendar to be sure).  Join us for uplifting singing, a message grounded in the Scriptures, and a prayerful connection to God.

Alumni Testimonial...

It helped me build a closer relationship with God as well as teaching me the word. 

Trenton Dickerson - Class of 2014

TO BE EDUCATED                                                                                      

                               by Carolyn Caines

If I learn my ABCs, can read 600 words per minute, and can write with perfect penmanship, but have not been taught how to communicate with the Designer of all language,

                I have not been educated.

If I can deliver an eloquent speech and persuade with my stunning logic, but have not been instructed in God’s wisdom,

                I have not been educated.

If I have read Shakespeare and John Locke and can discuss their writings with keen insight, but have not read the greatest of books—the Bible—and have no knowledge of its personal importance,

                I have not been educated.

If I have memorized addition facts, multiplication tables, and chemical formulas, but have never been disciplined to hide God’s Word in my heart,

                I have not been educated.

If I can explain the law of gravity and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, but have never been instructed in the unchangeable laws of the One who orders our universe,

                I have not been educated.

If I can classify animals by their family, genus and species, and can write a lengthy scientific paper that wins an award, but have not been introduced to the Maker’s purpose for all creation,

                I have not been educated.

If I can recite the Gettysburg Address and the Preamble to the Constitution, but have not learned about the hand of God in the history of our country,

                I have not been educated.

If I can play the piano, the violin, six other instruments, and can write music that moves listeners to tears, but have not been taught to listen to the Director of the universe and worship Him,

                I have not been educated.

If I can run cross-country races, star in basketball, and do 100 push-ups without stopping, but have never been shown how to bend my spirit to do God’s will,

                I have not been educated.

If I can identify a Picasso, describe the style of daVinci, and even paint a portrait that gains acclaim, but have not learned that all harmony and beauty comes from a relationship with God,

               I have not been educated.

If I graduate with perfect grades and am accepted at the finest university with a full scholarship, but have not been guided into a career of God’s choosing for me,

                I have not been educated.

If I become a good citizen, voting at each election and fighting for what is moral and right, but have not been told of humanities sinfulness and hopelessness without Christ,

                I have not been educated.

However, if one day I see the world as God sees it, and come to know Him, Whom to know is life eternal, and glorify God by fulfilling His purpose for me,

         then, I have been educated!